Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Online help combined with self efforts

Good morning friends, if you are looking for some help point, i am here with some suggestion for those friends. Guys looking for methods that will help you get math help is very easy but first it depends on your efforts.

Guys we need to put in our own efforts in understanding the math concept. We need to understand the steps that is a requirement of the problem. Their are multiple sites which come up to help us. Look for those sites take their assistance and work on your problems.

I have seen these sites not only helping students in spoken english, grammar, mathematics but i have also seen them helping children with physics questions and answers also. Look for them guys.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

line of symmetry definition

I am actually looking for line of symmetry definition, but i have seen many problems related to symmetry a few days back. Let discuss on this now...a good idea right.

Definition of Line of symmetry :-

Guys many of the geometrical figures, if you have noticed can be divided into two equal parts, Have you??

These figures are called as symmetrical figures. The lines that divide them are called as lines of symmetry. Its also called as axis of symmetry.
Lines of symmetry can be also said as mirror lines because the other half of the figure is the same.

You can look at the figure which is shown above. I want to learn on linear programming problem as i come across many questions on that.. Guys i will do that shortly. Keep me updated with your comments.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Height converter cm to feet

As per my words, i am back with some simple examples on height converter cm to feet below. I hope you have not forgotten what is height converter is. Look below for some simple examples.

Example 1: Convert height 12cm into feet

12 cm= 12 × 0.033

= 0.396 feet

Example 2: Convert the height 4 feet into cm.

4 feet = 4 x 30.48

= 121.92 cm

Learn mathematics form 1 a very interesting topic.